Dr. Hossain Md. Sayem
Dr. Hossain Md. Sayem Professor, Department of Geological Sciences

On behalf of the Department of Geological Sciences at Jahangirnagar University, welcome! Whether you are a prospective or current student, an alumnus, or a visitor, we are glad you have found our website interesting. We are living at a time of rapidly growing demand on Earth’s natural resources and looming natural hazards (e.g., earthquake, tsunami, volcanic eruption, landslide, and flood) around every corner of this planet, and understanding how our planet Earth works are more crucial today than ever, not only to satisfy our intrinsic curiosity about the origin of this planet but also to ensure sustainable use of its natural resources for us and coming generations. We the geoscientist here in this department are dedicated to improving our understanding of planetary processes from the inner core to the outer atmosphere, as well as how those processes led to the formation of Earth’s natural resources and their distribution. Our department, one of the oldest geosciences departments in the country, has a rich history of research, innovation and teaching, and our excellence continues today in our faculty and students.

Undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate courses and respective degree programs within the department offer an opportunity to understand our planet, acquire necessary skills through field observation, laboratory analysis and experiment, big data mining, modelling as well as the development of proficient written and oral communication capability. Our department is truly cross-disciplinary, bringing together geology, geophysics, biology, chemistry, and mathematics to understand our planet Earth and other planetary bodies.

Academia and students of this department actively work at home and abroad to meet natural resource challenges through geoscientific knowledge, geophysical survey, mapping and land use planning, blue economy development, surface and groundwater management, and the exploration and sustainable extraction of energy and mineral resources. Former students of this department have applied these skills to subsequent national and international career development in a wide variety of fields, including but not limited to geosciences in academia, government institutions, energy industry, environmental science, and many more.

Please enjoy our website and feel free to contact us for further information if you would like to learn more, and we would love to respond to your query!


Department of Geological Sciences, Chair

Dr. Hossain Md. Sayem