Dr. Md. Munir Hossain Talukder Professor, Department of Philosophy
The study of philosophy is important for individual development as well as nation building. A nation without its own philosophy cannot survive. A critical, rational, analytic while ethical and holistic mindset should be the prerequisite for any innovation. The department of philosophy, Jahangirnagar University, is one of the few leading places where almost all branches of philosophy is taught and researched. A unique combination of both western and eastern philosophy courses are offered here so that the graduates can understand their basic roots and prepare themselves for the global standard of education. The outstanding faculty members of this department have significant contributions to various aspects of philosophy such as logic, philosophy of language, applied ethics, philosophy of mind, political philosophy, environmental philosophy, Asian philosophy and philosophy of Bengal, just only a few to mention. Some of their works are translated into foreign languages. This endeavour of the department has already been recognized by several world's leading organizations including World Bank and UNESCO. The department was awarded more than 0 .32 million US dollar under Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) for the development of teaching and learning process by World Bank in 2015-2017. Every year we celebrate the World Philosophy Day as a partner of UNESCO. Moreover, the department recently signed a MoU with a leading US university (Saginaw Valley State University) through which now faculty members can visit and teach there under an exchange program. Beyond that, scholars are regularly coming from different parts of the world and attending seminars or giving talks on the contemporary issues in philosophy. All these made philosophy department a vibrant and student-centric learning place. I warmly welcome you to visit our department and discover the best academic program in philosophy in Bangladesh!
Dr. Md. Munir Hossain Talukder