Dr. Khairul Bashar Professor, Department of Geological Sciences
Groundwater flow and transport of contaminants modeling in aquifers, Waste management and disposal in urban and rural areas, Management of landfills, Water supply, Water quality and Application of Remote Sensing & GIS in water resource development an
All Publications
1. Hossain, S. M., Bashar, K, and Rahman J.J. 1993. “Hydrogeology of Tanore and Godagari Thanas, Rajshahi.” Dhaka University Studies, Part-B, Science. Vol. 41(2): 175-183.
2. Hossain, S. M., Rahman J.J., and Bashar, K, 1993. “Hydrogeological condition of Joydebpur Thana, Gazipur District.” Dhaka University Studies, Part-B, Science. Vol. 41(2) : 167-174.
3. Bashar, K., Rahman J.J., Hossain, K.S., & Reza, H., 1994. “The estimation of groundwater recharge of the northern part of greater Khulna” Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, (ISSN 1022- 8594) Vol. 18 : 57-62.
4. Rahman, J.J., Bashar, K, and Begum, N. 1995. “Hydrogeological conditions of Dhamrai Thana, Dhaka: a preliminary study” Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, (ISSN 1028 - 6845) Vol. 1: 33-42.
5. Bashar, K., 1997. “Modelling solute mass transfer through saturated Triassic sandstones.” Proceedings of the workshop on Groundwater and Environment, Dhaka, September 6-8, p 49-56.
6. Begum, S.F., Bashar, K., & Hossain, M.S., 1997. “Evaluation of hydraulic parameters of the aquifer and wells of the western part of the Barind area.” Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, (ISSN 1028 - 6845) Vol. 3 : 49-64.
7. Bashar K. 1997. “Laboratory measurement of diffusion co-efficient for intact Triassic sandstone from the United Kingdom.” Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, (ISSN 1028 - 6845) Vol. 3 : 65-80.
8. Nury, S.N., Bashar, K., & Chowdhury, K.R., 1998. “Determination of transmissivity and storage coefficient from step-drawdown pumping test data of Rajshahi and Dhaka using Birsoy and Summers’s method”. Bangladesh Journal of Geology. (ISSN 1608 – 957X) Vol. 9 : 89-96.
9. Bashar, K., & Islam, S.M., 1999. “Assessment of groundwater vulnerability of the northern part of Dhaka City and surrounding areas” Bangladesh Journal of Geology. (ISSN 1608 – 957X) Vol. 18, pp 1-16.
10. Islam, S.M., & Bashar, K., 1999. “Groundwater modelling of the northern part of Dhaka City for sustainable groundwater development”. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, (ISSN 1028 - 6845) Vol. 5 : 57-68.
11. Azad, M.A.S., & Bashar, K., 2000. “Groundwater zonation of Nawabganj Sadar Thana and its relation to groundwater chemistry”. Bangladesh Journal of Geology. (ISSN 1608 – 957X) Vol. 19 : 57-71.
12. Shirmeen, T., & Bashar, K., 2000. “Hydrogeology of Laksmipur Sadar Upazila, Laksmipur district, Bangladesh”. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, (ISSN 1028 - 6845) Vol. 6 : 153-162.
13. Bashar, K., & Shirmeen, T., 2000. “Groundwater quality of Laksmipur Sadar Upazila, Laksmipur district, Bangladesh”. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, (ISSN 1028 - 6845) Vol. 6 : 163-175.
14. Rahman, A.K.M.M., Bashar, K., Haq, E.M., & Rahman, J.J. 2001. “Geo-environmental assessments for land-use planning of Savar Upazila, Dhaka” Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, (ISSN 1022- 8594) Vol. 24 : 109-120.
15. Bashar, K., & Azad, M.A.S., 2001. “Prediction of long-term effects of groundwater development on the aquifer system of Nawabganj Sadar Upazila of Chapai Nawabganj district, Bangladesh, using modelling technique”. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal, (ISSN 1028 - 6845) Vol. 7 : 29-40.
16. Bashar, K., Karim, M.R., Chowdhury, D.A., Rahman, M.S., & Mannaf, M.A., 2001. “Geochemical evolution and source of thermal groundwater of Maddhapara granite mine, Dinajpur, Bangladesh”. Bangladesh Journal of Geology. (ISSN 1608 – 957X) Vol. 20 : 1-16.
17. Bashar, K., Islam, A.S.M.H., & Ahmed, N., 2002 “Modelling of the Groundwater System of Nawabganj Upazila, Dhaka, Bangladesh, for determining Arsenic Transport and the Development Potentiality of Lower Aquifer” Bangladesh Geoscience Journal. (ISSN 1028 - 6845). Vol.8 : 1-16.
18. Islam, A.S.M.H., Bashar, K., Chowdhury, D.A., Rahman, M.S., & Mannaf, M.A., 2002. “Hydrogeology of Nawabganj Upazila with the special emphasis on groundwater quality” Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, (ISSN 1022 - 8594) Vol. 25 : 169-179.
19. Ahmed, N., Bashar, K., Ali, M., Tarafdar, S. A., Islam, M.A., Hossain, A., & Ahmed, S.R., 2002. “Study of hydrogeology and water quality assessment using isotope techniques in Lakshmipur Upazila, south-east region of Bangladesh”. IAEA/RCA proceedings on “Isotope applications for improved drinking water resources management” (RAS/8/084), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 21-23 October, 2002.
20. Rahman, J.J., Dutta, S., Miah, D.M., Bashar, K., Haque, E.M. 2003. “Major Element Geochemistry of the Neogene Surma Group Sandstones from Shahbazpur-1 well, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh: Implication for provenance and Tectonic setting” Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 26 : 197-222.
21. Bashar, K. and Tellam, J. H., 2006. Micro- and macro-scale dispersion in laboratory experiments on intact sandstone cores: Experiments and development of conceptual models. In: Barker, R. D, and. Tellam, J. H. (eds), Fluid Flow and Solute Movement in the Fluvial and Aeolian Sandstones of the UK Permo-Triassic Red Bed Sequence. Geol Soc Sp Pub. 263, 233-252
22. Bashar, K., Karim, M.R., Chowdhury, D.A., Rahman, M.S., & Chowdhury, M.N., 2007. “Assessment of the groundwater quality of Maddhapara granite mine area, Dinajpur, Bangladesh”. Journal of the Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 30 : 185-192.
23. Sayem, H.M., Hossain, A.T.M.S., Bashar, K., 2007. Geo-Engineering Properties and Three-Dimensional Deformation Characteristics of Some Ultimate Disposal Site Clay Soils of Rajshahi City Corporation, Bangladesh. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 30 : 147-163.
24. Bashar, K. and Shireen, A, 2008. Groundwater Modeling of Dhaka City and surrounding areas and the viability of artificial recharge for augmenting water supply. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, Vol. 30: 147-163.
25. Haque, M.M., Khatun, M., Bashar, K., Nury, S.N., 2008. Geo-environmental impact assessment of the proposed tannery industry on Savar and Keraniganj, Dhaka; Environmental Journal, Vol.8, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
26. Hossain, S., Bashar, K. and Ahmed, N. 2008. “An approach to Hydrogeological Zonation: A case study for the Chittagong City, Bangladesh” Bangladesh Geoscience Journal. (ISSN 1028 - 6845). Vol.14: 33-55.
27. Khatun, M., Haque, M.M., Bashar, K., Nury, S.N., 2009, A Case Study of the Proposed Tannery Industry in Savar and Keraniganj area, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Int. Conf. GeoDev, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Vol.1, pp 258-263.
28. Akter S, Bashar K, Islam M, Ahmed N, Hossain S and Rasul M, 2010. Hydrochemistry of Bagherhat Sadar Upazila, Bagherhat District, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal. Vol 16: 57- 67p.
29. Sarker M. M. R., Bashar K, Islam M, Ahmed N, Hossain S and Rasul M, 2011. Groundwater Quality Assessment for Different Purposes in Shyamnagar Upazila, Satkhira District, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Geoscience Journal. Vol 17:1-15p.
30. Bashar, K. and Tellam, J. H., 2011. “Sandstones of unexpectedly high diffusibility.” Journal of Contaminant Hydrology Vol. 122 (2011) 40–5. journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jconhyd
31. Nasreen S, Bashar K, Islam M, Sarker M. M. R., Ahmed N, Hossain S and Rasul M, 2013. Hydrochemical characterization of Groundwater and Surface water in Chuadanga District, Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science. Vol 36(1): 15-30p.
32. Hossain Z, Bashar K, Majumder R. K., Islam M, and Sarker M. M. R., 2014. Hydrogeological investigations of Chapai Nawabganj town of Nawabganj district, North-West Bangladesh using isotope and other techniques, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences. Vol 38 (2): 131-142p.
33. Sharmeen R, Bashar K, Islam M, Sarker M. M. R., Ahmed N, 2015. Assessment of Groundwater Quality status in Chandpur Sadar Upazila, Chandpur District, Bangladesh, Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science. Vol 38(1): 1-18p.
34. Faneca Sanchez, M., Bashar, K., Janssen, G.M.C.M., Vogels, M., Snel, J. Zhou, Y., Stuurman, R. and Dude Essink, G.H.P., 2015. SWIBANGLA: Managing salt water intrusion impacts in coastal groundwater systems of Bangladesh, p.153. https://www.deltares.nl/app/uploads/2015/04/1207671-000-BGS-0016-r-SWIBANGLA-def.pdf
35. Dola, S.S., Bashar, K., Islam, M, and Sarker, M.M.R. 2018. Hydrogeological Classification and The Correlation of Groundwater Chemistry with Basin Flow in The South-Western Part of Bangladesh. J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., Vol. 42, No. 1, 41-54, 2018
36. Islam, M, Bashar, K., Ahmed, N., Rasul, M.G., Hossain, S., and Sarker, M.M.R. 2018. Hydrogeologic Characteristics and Groundwater Potentiality of Lower Aquifer of Singair Upazila, Manikganj District, Bangladesh. J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., Vol. 42, No. 1, 25-40, 2018
37. Goes, B. J. M., Clark, A. K., & Bashar, K. 2020. Water allocation strategies for meeting dry-season water requirements for Ganges Kobadak Irrigation Project in Bangladesh, International Journal of Water Resources Development, DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2020.1763265 https://doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2020.1763265
38. Roy, T.K. and Bashar, K., 2020. Upazila-Wise Alternative Water Supply Options Mapping of Bagerhat District, Bangladesh. The Journal of NOAMI, 37(1-2):61-72 (June & December 2020)
39. Bashar, K. 2024. Scope of Induced Recharge to River Bank Aquifers in Bangladesh. Published in: D. Saha et al. (eds.), Managed Groundwater Recharge and Rainwater Harvesting, Water Resources Development and Management, Springers. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-8757-3_18
Academic Info
Period: 1993 to 1997
Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Sciences, Ph.D. Research Topic: Hydrogeology and Groundwater Modelling. Research topic included mathematical modelling of mass transport through saturated porous media.
Period: 1981 to1990
B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc.
Dr. Khairul Bashar
Department of Geological Sciences
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: bashar@juniv.edu