Dr. Sajeda Begum Professor, Department of Zoology
Dr. Sajeda Begum is the professor of Department of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University. She has been working on different aspects of wildlife ecology, management and conservation biology since 1990. Her academic training began in Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh where she obtained B.Sc (Honours) in Zoology in 1989, M.Sc in Wildlife Ecology, Management and Conservation Biology in 1990. She completed MPhil on Behavioural Ecology and Conservation Biology from the University of Cambridge UK under the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Fellowship in 1999. Her PhD research is focused on Avian Brood Parasitism which she completed at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway in 2011. Her research centered on the co-evolutionary dynamics of host-parasite interactions among species of brood parasitic cuckoos and their varied host species of Bangladesh. Apart from this pioneer work on the biology and natural history of the Asian cuckoos she has been working as a collaborator on the project supported by National Institute of Health and the Centers for Disease Control, USA that looks at how pathogens are interacting between humans and animals in Bangladesh. She has published more than 50 research articles in national, international journals and books and has participated in several international symposiums and workshops held in home and abroad. She is the member of different national/international organizations including Brood Parasitism Group (NTNU) Norway, Otter Specialist Group (OSG). She is the “Technical Reviewer” of Red List Assessing Group-Birds, the Red List Updating-Bangladesh by IUCN. She supervised more than 25 research theses in M.Sc/M.Phil/Ph.D level on different aspects of wildlife of Bangladesh. She is enthusiastic about providing environmental education to raise environmental awareness and encourage a love of science among the school children in and around the protected areas of Bangladesh. She is the co-founder of the Wildlife Rescue Centre (WRC) in Jahangirnagar University, the only one of its kind in Bangladesh.
Wildlife ecology, management and conservation; Behavioural ecology, Brood parasitism, Non-formal environmental education
All Publications
1. Hasan, M.K., Datta, A.K., Saha, A., Begum, S., New distribution record of Hipposideros grandis G.M. Allen, 1936, Grand Leaf-nosed Bat (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae), from Bangladesh based on morphometric and molecular evidence., Check List, 21, 1, pp.39-44, 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.15560/21.1.39- Hasan, M.K., Datta, A.K., Saha, A., Begum, S. 2025. New distribution record of Hipposideros grandis G.M. Allen, 1936, Grand Leaf-nosed Bat (Chiroptera, Hipposideridae), from Bangladesh based on morphometric and molecular evidence. Check List 21 (1): 39–44. https://doi.org/10.15560/21.1.39.
Nahid, M.I., Fossoy, F., Begum, S., Roskaft, E. and Stokke, B., First record of Common Tailorbird (Orthotomus sutorius) parasitism by Plaintive Cuckoo (Cacomantis merulinus) in Bangladesh., Avian Res., 7, 14, 2016. doi: doi:10.1186/s40657-016-0049-yNahid, M.I., Begum, S. and Feeroz, M.M., Brood parasitic cuckoos and their hosts in Jahangirnagar University Campus., Indian BIRDS, 12, 2, pp.43-48, 2016.
Nahid, M.I., Begum, S., Feeroz, M.M. and Hasan, M.K., First breeding record of White-rumped Munia Lonchura striata at Jahangirnagar University Campus, Bangladesh., The Journal of Zoology Studies, 4, 4, pp.15-17, 2017.
Nahid, M.I., Begum, S., Feeroz, M.M. and Hasan, M.K., Breeding notes on the Large-tailed Nightjar Caprimulgus macrurus in Jahangirnagar University Campus, Bangladesh., Bird-o-soar#3. In: Zoo’s Print, 32, 7, pp.27:29, 2017.
Nahid, M.I., Begum, S., Feeroz, M.M. and Hasan, M.K., Notes on Breeding behavior of Yellow-footed Green-pigeon (Treron phoenicoptera) (Columbidae) in a semi-urban area of Bangladesh., Bird-o-soar#15. In: Zoo’s Print, 33, 4, pp.15:18, 2018.
Jahan, I, Begum,S., Feeroz, M.M., Das, D.K. and Datta, A.K., Nesting pattern of birds in Jahangirnagar University Campus, Bangladesh., Journal of Threatened Taxa., 10, 5, pp.11618-11635, 2018.
Nahid, M.I., Fossoy, F., Stokke, B.G., Begum, S., Roskaft, E., Confirmation of House crows Corvus splendens laying immaculate blue eggs., Bird Study., 66, 1, pp.141-144, 2019. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/00063657.2018.1563047
Shoma, S.F. and Begum, S., Comparative nesting patterns and success of Mynas and Starlings (Aves: Sturnidae) inhabiting Jahangirnagar University campus, Bangladesh., Bangladesh J. Zool., 48, 2, pp.321-334, 2020.
Datta, A. K., & Begum, S, Diversity and population density of birds at the Jahangirnagar University Campus, Bangladesh., Bangladesh J. Zool., 48, 2, pp.289-300, 2020.
Nahid, M.I., Fossoy, F., Stokke, B.G., Begum, S., Roskaft, E. and Ranke, P.S., How does human disturbance affect brood parasitism and nest predation in hosts inhabiting a highly fragmented landscape., Global Ecology and Conservation, 24, 2020. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01295
Nahid, M.I., Fossoy, F., Stokke, B.G., Abernathy, V., Begum, S., Langmore, N.E., Roskaft, E. and Ranke, P.S., No evidence of host-specific egg mimicry in Asian koels., PLoS ONE, 16, 7, 2021. doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0253985
Datta, A. K., & Begum, S, Breeding ecology of Common Tailorbird, Orthotomus sutorius in a human-dominated habitat of Bangladesh, with notes on parasitism by Plaintive Cuckoo, Cacomentis merulinus., Ornithology Research, 29, 4, pp.173-178, 2021.
Sajeda Begum, Birds of Jahangirnagar University Campus, pp.96, 2016.Teaching
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
Zool 305; Zool 311; Zool 615 | Ecology, Ecology Practical, Wildlife Conservation | Year |
Academic Info
Period: Teaching: 27 years (since1996)
My academic training began in Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh where I obtained B.Sc (Honours) in Zoology in 1989, M.Sc in Wildlife Ecology, Management and Conservation Biology in 1990. I have completed MPhil on Behavioural Ecology and Conservation Biology from the University of Cambridge UK under the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust Fellowship in 1999. My PhD research is focused on Avian Brood Parasitism which I have completed at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway in 2011.
Professional wildlife biologist engaged in teaching (Professor of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University) and research on various aspects of wildlife ecology, management and conservation biology in Bangladesh.
Position: Professor
Period: Wildlife Research: 33 years (since 1990) Teaching: 27 years (since1996) to date
Wildlife Research: 33 years (since 1990); Teaching: 27 years (since1996)
Professional wildlife biologist engaged in teaching (Professor of Zoology, Jahangirnagar
University) and research on various aspects of wildlife ecology, management and conservation
biology in Bangladesh. Expert on wildlife ecology, biodiversity survey and monitoring
throughout Bangladesh. Also skilled and experienced in conducting environmental education,
training programme to raise environmental awareness, as well as producing wildlife related
publications and taking videos and photos of wildlife.
Received MPhil in Behavioural Ecology and Conservation Biology from the University of
Cambridge in 2000 and PhD in Ecology and Avian Brood Parasitism from the Norwegian
University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway, in 2011. Topic of PhD thesis: ‘Brood
Parasitism in Asian Cuckoos: Different Aspects of Interactions between Cuckoos and their
Hosts in Bangladesh’. Published numerous scientific articles, books and book chapters on
different aspects of wildlife of Bangladesh both in home and abroad
Position: Professor
Conducted many training and research projects.
Supervised many research projects both in MSc and PhD.
Member of several national and international professional committees like Ecological society
(ECOS), Nepal, International Primatological Society (IPS), Otter Specialist Group (OSG) of
IUCN, Species Survival Commission (SSC), Brood Parasitism Group (NTNU), Norway,
Bangladesh National Vulture Recovery Committee (BNVRC) and Zoological Society of
Dr. Sajeda Begum
Department of Zoology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 01712045640
Email: bsajeda@juniv.edu
, bsajeda@yahoo.com