Dr. Jugal Krishna Das, B.Sc(Donetsk), MSc.(Donetsk), PhD(Kiev) Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Ph.D. in Computer Engineering in 1993.
Have forty eight(48) publications in computer science and Engineering.
Key fields of interest: System design and analysis, E-commerce, Management information systems, Database management system, Computer architecture, Data structure and algorithm, Microprocessors, Computer networking, Discrete mathematics, Digital logic design, Operating systems, Parallel and distributed systems, Internet engineering and IP technology etc.
Has been in teaching profession in this University since 1994 in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
Computer Networks, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Software Engineering.
All Publications
[1] Logic scheme Optimizsation of Mealy Automata on PLA. “Automatics and Computer Science”- . Riga, 1991, p.90-94 (Russ).
[2] Logic scheme Optimization of Mealy Automata on PLA.” Cybernetics and System analysis”. – Kiev, 1991, No. 5, P. 180-184 (Russ.)
[3] Optimization of logic condition forming scheme in matrix realization of automata. ”Microprocessor Systems and their uses”- Kiev, 1990, P. 29-34 (Russ.).
[4] PR-Automata: Functions, Optimization, Selection of Synthesizing Method. "A Methodical mini guide.” – Kiev. IC, 1991, 26P (Russ).
[5] Systematic Instructions for Solving Problems on the course: “Applied Theory of Digital Automata”. – Donetsk. DPI, 1999, 25P (Russ).
[6] Computer Aided Design for Control unit based on matrix LSI “CI-90.” All-Union Scientific Technical Seminar on “CAD in Radio Electronics.”-Tver , 1991. P. 7-8(Russ.).
[7] Development and investigation of the multilevel realization of microprogarmmed automata on programmable large scale integration scheme with matrix structure, Ph.D. thesis resume, Kiev, 1993.141P (Russ.).
[8] Minimization of Microprogram automaton ( Sequential Machine) using programmable logic arrays (PLA). “Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science”. – Dhaka, Vol. 19, 1995, P. 65-70.
[9] Software Panorama: A case study for Bangladesh. “National Conference on Computer and Information Systems. –Dhaka, 1997, P.16-21.
[10] Minimization of Hardware cost for the synthesis of Mealy Automata using programmable logic arrays. “Bangladesh Journal of Computer and Information Technology”. – Dhaka, Vol. 7, No.1, 2000, P.34-38.
[11] Design and Software Implementation of Traffic Signaling. “Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science”. – Dhaka, Vol. 24, 2001, P.77-84.
[12] Optimization of Microprogrammed Automata Scheme for the input Variables Replacement Method.-ICCIT, Dhaka, Vol. 1,2003,P.104-108.
[13] Structures of Multilevel Scheme of Mealy Automata on PLA.-ICCIT,Dhaka,Vol.1,2003,P.192-196.
[14] Implementation of Virtual Ethernet LAN -ICCIT, Dhaka, Vol.1, 2003 P.431-435,
[15] Anthropocentric and tecnocentric systems for intellectual controlling –Bulletin Donetsk University, Ukraine, Series A, No.1, page 434-438, 2005.
[16] Proposed framework for information security management with its significant for an organization, Journal of electronics and computer science, J.U., vol. 6, 2005.
[17] A Newly Designed Markovian Chain for Packet Data Traffic,’ Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, vol.29, pp.63-68, Dec’2006
[18] A Mathematical Model of Traffic Performance of Mobile Cellular Network,' Journal of Electronics and Computer Science, vol.8, pp.1-9, June 2007.
[19] Modeling of Mixed Traffic for Mobile Cellular Network,’ Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, vol. 1/2007, pp. 83-89, Szachowa st, 04-894, Warsaw, Poland.
[20] Modeling of Voice Data Integrated Traffic in 3G Mobile Cellular Network,’ Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, vol. 2/2007, pp. 103-108, Szachowa st, 04-894, Warsaw, Poland.
[21] Performance Evaluation of Wireless ATM Network Based on Two States Absorbing Markovian Chain,’ Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science, vol.30, No.2, 215-228, Dec’2007.
[22] Performance Evaluation of Underlay Overlay Cellular System Based on Equivalent Random Theory Traffic Model,’ , Journal of Science, University of Dhaka.
[23] M.N.Y. Ali, J.K. Das, S.M. Abdullah Al Mamun, M.E.H. Choudhury, “Specific Features of a Converter of Web Documents from Bengali to Universal Networking Language”, International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008 (ICCCE’08), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.pp. 726-731
[24] M.N.Y. Ali, J.K. Das, S.M. Abdullah Al Mamun, A. M. Nurannabi,”Morpholoical Analysis of Bangla worfs for Universal Networking Language”, International Conference on Digital Information Management, icdim, 2008, London, England, pp. 532-537
[25] M.N.Y. Ali, M. Ameer Ali, A. M. Nurannabi, J.K. Das, “Algorithm for Conversion of Bangla Sentence to Universal Networking Language, ”International Conference on Asian Language Processing 2010 (IALP’10), Haribin, China, December 28-30,2010
[26] M.N.Y. Ali, M. Z. H. Sarker, G.A. Farook, J.K. Das, “Rules for Morphological Analysis of Bangla Verbs for Universal Networking Language, ”International Conference on Asian Language Processing 2010 (IALP’10), Haribin, China, December 28-30,2010
[27] M.N.Y. Ali, S. Al Noor, M. Z. Hossain, J.K. Das, “Development of Analysis Rules for Bangla Root and Primary Suffix for Universal Networking Language, ”International Conference on Asian Language Processing 2010 (IALP’10), Haribin, China, December 28-30, 2010
[28] M. Z. Hossain, M.N.Y. Ali, S. M. Allayear, J.K. Das, “Development of Templates for Dictionary Entries of Bangla Roots and Primary Suffixes for Universal Networking Language, ”International Conference on Asian Language Processing 2010 (IALP’10), Haribin, China, December 28-30, 2010
[29] M.N.Y. Ali, A. M. Nurannabi, M. Ameer Ali, J.K. Das, “Conversion of Bangal Sentence for Universal Networking Language, ”International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, December 23-35, 2010
[30] M. N. Y. Ali, Md. Z. H. Sarker, J. K. Das, “Analysis and Generation of Bengali Case Structure Constrcts for Universal Networking Language’’, IJCA International Journal of Computer Applications, March, 2011.
[31] M. N. Y. Ali, Md. Z. H. Sarker G. F. Ahmed, J. K. Das, “Conversion of Bangla Sentence into Universal Networking Language Expression’’, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 8, Issue 2, March 2011.
[32] Aloke Kumar Saha, Jugal Krishna Das, “Identification of Extreme Guilt and Grave Fault in Bengali Language using Machine Learning”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), (SCOPUS Indexed International Journal), Vol. 8, No. 6, ISSN: 2277-3878, pp. 1359-1365, March 2020.
[33] Aloke Kumar Saha, M.F. Mridha, Jahir Ibna Rafiq, Jugal K Das, “Information Extraction from Natural Language Using Universal Networking Language”, International Conference on Computer, Communications and Computational Studies (IC4S), Thailand, October 2018.
[34] Aloke Kumar Saha, M. F. Mridha, Jahir Ibna Rafiq and Jugal Krishna Das, “Data Extraction from Natural Language Using Universal Networking Language”, International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical, Electronics and Communication (ICCTCEEC), Karnataka, India, September 2017. (IEEE Xplore )
[35] Aloke Kumar Saha, M. F. Mridha, Jugal Krishna Das,“ Creating a Bangla Enconversion Module for Generating UNL Expression from Bangla Bagdhara (Phrase and Idoms)”, 1292-JEAS, Journal Teknologi, April 2017.
[36] M. F. Mridha, Aloke Kumar Saha, Md. Akhtaruzzaman Adnan, Molla Rashied Hussein and Jugal Krishna Das,”Design And Implementation Of An Efficient Enconverter For Bangla Language” ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 10, No. 15, ISSN 1819-6608, pp. 6543-6548, August 2015.
[37] Aloke Kumar Saha, Md. Firoz Mridha, Molla Rashied Hussein and Jugal Krishna Das, “Design and Implementation of an efficient DeConverter for generating Bangla sentences from UNL Expression”, 4th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), June 2015.
[38] Muhammad F. Mridha, Aloke Kumar Saha and Jugal Krishna Das, “New Approach of Solving Semantic Ambiguity Problem of Bangla Root Words Using Universal Networking Language (UNL)”, 3rd International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV), May 2014.
[39] Aloke Kumar Saha, Muhammad F. Mridha and Jugal Krishna Das, “Analysis of Bangla Root words for Universal Networking Language (UNL)”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Vol. 89, March 2014.
[40] Muhammad F. Mridha, Aloke Kumar Saha and Jugal Krishna Das, “Solving Semantic Problem of Phrases in NLP Using Universal Networking Language (UNL)”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Special Issue on Natural Language Processing (NLP), 2014.
[41] Aloke Kumar Saha, Muhammad F. Mridha, Shammi Akhtar and Jugal Krishna Das, “Attribute Analysis for Bangla Words for Universal Networking Language (UNL)”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Vol. 4, No.1, 2013.
[42] Aloke Kumar Saha, Muhammad F. Mridha and Jugal Krishna Das, “Semantic Analysis of Bangla Language for Developing A UNL Deconverter”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering (IJARCSSE), ISSN: 2277 128X, Vol. 2, No. 12, December 2012.
[43] Aloke Kumar Saha, Muhammad F. Mridha, Kamal Kanti Biswas, and Jugal Krishna Das, “A New Approach of Developing a Deconverting rules for Bangla Language”, International Journal of Computer Engineering Science (IJCES), ISSN: 2250:3439, Vol. 2, No. 12, December 2012.
[44] Aloke Kumar Saha, Muhammad F. Mridha, Manoj Banik, and Jugal Krishna Das, “Specification of UNL Deconverter for Bangla Language”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research (IJSER), ISSN: 2229-5518, Vol. 3, No. 9, September 2012.
[45] M. F. Mridha, Molla Rashied Hussein, Md. Musfiqur Rahaman, Jugal Krishna Das “A Proficient Autonomous Bangla Semantic Parser for Natural Language Processing”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, VOL. 10, NO. 15, AUGUST 2015,ISSN 1819-6608, pp 6398-6403. (SCOPUS)
[46] Muhammad Firoz Mridha, Manoj Banik, Md. Nawab Yousuf Ali, Mohammad Nurul Huda, Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman, Jugal Krishna Das, “Formation of Bangla Word Dictionary Compatible with UNL Structure,” SKIMA’10, Paro, Bhutan, August, 2010.
[47] Muhammad Firoz Mridha, Md. Zakir Hossain, Manoj Banik, Mohammad Nurul Huda, Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman, Jugal Krishna Das, “ Development of Grammatical Attributes for Bangla Root and Primary Suffix for Universal Networking Language,” SKIMA’10, Paro, Bhutan, August, 2010.
[48] Muhammad Firoz Mridha, Mohammad Nurul Huda, Chowdhury Mofizur Rahman, Jugal Krishna Das, “Development of Morphological Rules for Bangla Root and Verbal Suffix for Universal Networking Language”. 6th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering,ICECE 2010, 18-20 December 2010, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (IEEE Xplore )
Academic Info
Donetsk Technical University
Ph.D. (Computer Engineering)
Ukraine, 1993. (Bangladesh Govt. Scholarship)
Donetsk Technical University
M.Sc. (Computer Engineering)
Ukraine, 1989. (Bangladesh Govt. Scholarship)
Department Computer Science and engineering
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
FROM 22.05.2004 TO DATE
Associate Professor
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
FROM 28.03.1999 TO 21.05.2004
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
FROM 12.01.1996 TO 27.03.1999
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
FROM 28.03.1994 TO 11.01.1996
- Teacher in Charge, ICT CELL (Present)
- Chairman of the Department of Electronics and Computer Science, Jahangirnagar University, from 18.03.1997 to 17.03 2000.
- Chairman of the Department of Computer Science, Stamford University Bangladesh, from 01.01.2009 to 31.12.2009.
- Chairman of the National University Examination Committee.
- Member of the Selection Board for teacher appointment of different Universities and Expert Member of PSC.
- Provost, Jahanara Imam Hall, J.U.
- Ex. Vice President, Jahangirnagar University Teacher’s Association(2019).
Dr. Jugal Krishna Das, B.Sc(Donetsk), MSc.(Donetsk), PhD(Kiev)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 01712509082
Email: cedas@juniv.edu