Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (মোহাম্মদ মাফরুহী সাত্তার) Professor, Department of Pharmacy
Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar is a Professor of Pharmacy at Jahangirnagar University, where he has been since 1994. Professor Mafruhi teaches courses namely Biopharmaceutics and clinical Pharmacokinetics, clinical pharmacy and human physiology.
He is a well-recognized pharmacologist, with particular expertise in the pharmacological evaluation of Ayurvedic preparations. He also possesses an especial expertise in pharmacological evaluation of Bangladeshi traditional and herbal medicines and their quality. He has been successful in securing a number of research grants to support his research. He has the opportunity to publish several publications in high-impact international journals in the area of pharmacology and Pharmacy practice. Over the years, Professor Mafruhi pioneered in establishing a research laboratory where both in vitro and in vivo experiments are performed using various laboratory animals at Department of Pharmacy, Jahangirnagar University - the first of its kind in Bangladesh. It is a matter of great pride that, this lab is now internationally recognized across the university and country boundaries. With the experience gained from here, many students have got the opportunity to obtain higher degrees in the world's renowned universities. He has shown his ability to sustain high quality research activities, excellent academic profile and a great deal of collaborative skills. His team-work and motivating ability is evident from his research, engaging a number of collaborators from various research groups from home and abroad.
Besides his teaching and research responsibilities Professor Mafruhi was involved with some administrative duties (was proctor of the university and Provost of a male residential Hall). He is registered with the Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh. He was an elected member of Jahangirnagar University Senate and Syndicate. He is a member of Pharmacy Graduate Association, Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Society and Jahangirnagar University Teachers Association (was Secretary and elected member of JUTA executive Committee for several years). He is on the editorial board of the Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences.
Professor Mafruhi received his Bachelor and Master from Jahangirnagar University.
He was born in Karachi, and spent his childhood in Mirpur, Dhaka. Professor Mafruhi
resides with his family (son: Auritro Sattar and wife: Dilruba Yasmin) in residential area of Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka. In his free time, he explores cities and forest for culture, heritages and nature.
Pharmacy practice, Ethnopharmacology, Pharmacology, Toxicology, Pharmacokinetics.
Toxicological Studies of Yogendra Rasa (after chronic administration) – Histopathological Findings.,Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, S Haque, JMA Hannan, MN Islam, MSK Choudhuri & AK Choudhuri (1993). J Soc Pharmaceu Chem; 2(1): 64-70.
Phytochemical Screening of Medicinal Plant of Bangladesh (Part-1).,MSK Choudhuri, MA Hossain, Ak Dutta, Mohammad Mafruhi Satttar & MN Islam (1992). J Soc Pharmaceu Chem; 1 (4): 29-52.
A Study on the Analgesic Activity of Sulaharana Yoga.,NS Chowdhury, MSK Choudhuri, Mohammad Mafruhi SATTAR, MN Islam, JMA Hannan & S Haque (1994). Bang J Physiol Pharmacol; 10 (1): 27-29.
Neuro-pharmacological Study of Kalameghasava - an Ayurvedic Preparation for the Treatment of Hepatobiliary Disorders.,Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, M Shahriar, MSK Choudhuri, S Neelutpal, S Tabassum & MK Bhuiyan (1997). University of Science and Technology Annual '97: 72-77.
Acute metabolic and chronic toxicity study of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L.,Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, JMF Rahman, M Shahriar, P Chakraborty & MSK Choudhuri (2000). Hamdard Medicus; 43 (2): 19-23.
Neuropharmacological study of Saraswata Rasayana – an Ayurvedic preparation used as Medhya Rasayana,S Rahman, MSK Choudhuri, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, A Faruque & M Shahriar (2000). Bangladesh Journal of Integrated Medicine; 1(2): 21 – 24.
Pharmacological study of Sri Mahalaxmi Bilas (Rssayan)–An Ayurvedic analgesic preparation,S Haque, MSK Choudhuri, MN Islam, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, JMA Hannan & M Shahriar (2001). Hamdard Medicus; 44 (2): 54-60.
Asokarista – studies on metabolism and gastrointestinal motality,Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, Y Akhtar, MSK Choudhuri, M Alamgir, TH Khan & S Jabbar (2002). Hamdard Medicus; 45 (3); 5 – 10.
Diuretic Study of Arogyavardhini Gutica, an Ayurvedic Tablet Preparation,R Masuma, MSK Choudhuri, MI Hossain & Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2002). Bangladesh Journal of Integrated Medicine; 3(3): 13 – 16.
Neuropharmacological study of some Ayurvedic medicinal plants,JMA Hannan, Masum Shahriar, M Naimul Islam, Mafruhi Sattar, Sabera Haque and MSK Choudhuri (2003). Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine; 3 (1); 8-17.
Pharmacological study of “treenoponchomul”-an Ayurvedic diuretic preparation ,S Haque, JMA Hannan, M Shahriar, MN Islam, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar and MSK Choudhuri, (2003). Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine; 3(1); 21-28.
Effect of treenoponchomul - an Ayurvedic Diuretic Preparation on Urination and Electrolyte Elimination.,S Haque, MSK Choudhuri, MN Islam, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, A Faruque, and M Shahriar (2003). Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences; 15(1): 87-97.
A psycho-pharmacological study of BRHAT VATACINTAMANI RASA classical ayurvedic drug,M Naimul Islam, Mafruhi Sattar, Sabera Haque, Masum Shahriar and MSK Choudhuri (2003). Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine; 3(2); 63-71.
Evaluation of the effect of Treenoponchomul–An Ayurvedic diuretic preparation.,S Haque, MSK Choudhuri, MN Islam, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, & M Shahriar (2003). Hamdard Medicus; 46(2): 54-60.
Pharmacological study of Rasaraja Ras an Ayurvedic metal preparation.,JMA Hannan, MSK Choudhuri, MN Islam, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, & M Shahriar (2004). Hamdard Medicus; 47(2): 54-60
Pharmacological effect of Nabayas Louha an Ayurvedic haematinic preparation.,JMA Hannan, M Shahriar, S Haque, MSK Choudhuri, MN Islam, & Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, (2004). Hamdard Medicus; 47 (3): 105-113
A Comparative Study on Bacopa monniera and Sarasvatarista on Diuresis, feeding-drinking and excretory functions in Mice.,Runa Masuma, MSK Choudhuri and Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2004). Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences; 16(2): 09-15.
.A Pharmacologic Study of the Aqueous Extract of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle on the Central Nervous System.,Runa Masuma, MSK Choudhuri and Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2004) Journal of Environmental Science (Dhaka); 2: 59-65.
Some pharmacological findings of non therapeutic importance of an Ayurvedic preparation Chandanasav Drug.,Sharmila Chakraborty, Sultana Rajia, M Shahabuddin Kabir Choudhuri, M Faruk Hossain, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar and Tripti Shrestha, (2006). Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine; 6 (2); 157-160.
Study of Ayurvedic drug Amrtarista on central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.,Runa Masuma, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar and MSK Choudhuri (2006). Journal of Environmental Science (Dhaka); 4: 27-33.
An Investigation on the Pharmacological Activity of an Ayurvedic Formulation Mahadraksharista.,Sultana Rajia, M Shahabuddin Kabir Choudhuri, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar and Masum Shahriar, (2007). Hamdard Medicus; 50(3): 17-22.
Pharmacological effects of Bacopa monniera Linn on gastrointestinal tract.,Runa Masuma, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar and MSK Choudhuri (2009).; Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences; 21(2): 73-78.
Effect of Hot water Extract of Calocybr indica on Acute Metabolic Study.,Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, Alok Kumar Paul, M. Reshma Khatun, Paritosh Chakma, Azizur Rahman and Nirod Chandra Sarker (2010).Bangladesh Journal of Mushroom; 4 (2): 27-34.
Correlation Between Non-Conventional Plants Consumed During Food Scarcity and Their Folk Medicinal Usages: a Case Study in Two Villages of Kurigram District, Bangladesh.,Mohammed Rahmatullah, Farhana Israt Jahan, Syeda Seraj, Zubaida Khatun, Farhana Islam, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, Tania Khan, Tasneema Ishika, Mehreen Rahman, Rownak Jahan (2011). American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 5(2): 240-246.
Medicinal Plants Used by Folk Medicinal Practitioners of Six Villages in Thakurgaon District, Bangladesh.,Sanjoy Sarker, Syeda Seraj, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, Wahid Mozammel Haq, Majeedul H. Chowdhury, Ishtiaq Ahmad, Rownak Jahan, Farhana Jamal, Mohammed Rahmatullah (2011). American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 5(3): 332-343.
Antibiotic prescribing pattern in Bangladesh.,Palash Karmakar and Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2012).Bangladesh journal of progressive science & technology. 10 (1): 013 - 016.
Prevalence, belief and awareness of preferring traditional healthcare system in urban and rural people of Noakhali district, Bangladesh.,Palash Karmakar, Muhammad Mazharul Islam, Md. Golam Kibria, Mohammad Salim Hossain, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2012). International Current Pharmaceutical Journal. 1(9): 229-234.
Antiinflammatory and Analgesic Activity of Asteracantha longifolia Nees.,Md. Al Amin, Ishtiaque A. Chowdhury, K. M. M. Mahbub, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar, Masum Shahriar, Md. Ruhul kuddus and Mohammad A. Rashid (2012). Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal. 15(2): 171-176.
In vitro Quality Analysis of Different Brands of Alprazolam Tablet Available in Bangladesh.,Golam Sarwar, Abhijit Das, Md. Golam Kibria, Palash Karmakar and Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2013). Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal 16(2): 185-188. (Article 10 of link)
Evaluation of cytotoxic and anthelmintic activities of bark extract of Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.).,Tanveer Raihan Khan, Palash Karmakar, Abhijit Das, Rana Banik, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2013). Int. Res. J. Pharm.; 4(4): 126-129.
Prevalence of Iron-deficiency Anaemia among University Students in Noakhali Region, Bangladesh.,Kumar B. Shill, Palash Karmakar, Md. G. Kibria, Abhijit Das, Mohammad A. Rahman,Mohammad S. Hossain, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2014). J Health Popul Nutr;32(1):103-110.
Evaluation of antibacterial and anthelmintic activities with total phenolic contents of Piper betel leaves.,Kazi Nahid Akter, Palash Karmakar, Abhijit Das, Shamima Nasrin Anonna, Sharmin Akter Shoma, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2014). Avicenna J Phytomed. 4(5): 320 - 329.
Comparative Phytochemical Screening and In vitro Evaluation of Biological Activities between Aqueous and Ethanolic Extract of Momordica charantia L. Fruits.,Abhijit Das, Palash Karmakar, Md. Golam Kibria, Pankaj Chandra Debnath, Mohammad Safiqul Islam and Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2014). British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 4 (6): 739-750
Preliminary pharmacological evaluation of an Ayurvedic formulation Dasamularista.,Rajia Sultana; Choudhuri M Shahabuddin Kabir; Sattar Mafruhi; Shahriar Masum (2006). Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine; 6(3): 208-214.
Evaluation of membrane stabilizing, anthelmintic, antioxidant activity with phytochemical screening of methanolic extract of Neolamarckia cadamba fruits.,T Islam, A Das, KB Shill, P Karmakar, S Islam, MM Sattar (2015). Evaluation of membrane stabilizing, anthelmintic, antioxidant activity with phytochemical screening of methanolic extract of Neolamarckia cadamba fruits. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 9 (5), 151-158.
Exploring women’s awareness about breastfeeding and health benefits using a cross-sectional survey in Dhaka city, Bangladesh.,KN Nadia, A Das , P Karmakar, S Banik , KA Rahman , MM Hossain and MM Sattar (2016). IJPSR, 2016; Vol. 7(6): 2410-2415.
Food Habits, Obesity and Nutritional Knowledge among the University Students in Noakhali Region of Bangladesh: A Cross Sectional Study.,P Karmakar, N Jahan, S Banik, A Das, KA Rahman, SK Kundu and Sattar MM. (2016). J Food Nutr Disor 5:4. doi:10.4172/2324-9323.1000201.
Assessing the Perceptions and Practice of Self-Medication among Bangladeshi Undergraduate Pharmacy Students,Md. Omar Reza Seam, Rita Bhatta, Bijoy Laxmi Saha, Abhijit Das, Md. Monir Hossain, S. M. Naim Uddin, Palash Karmakar, M. Shahabuddin Kabir Choudhuri and Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (2018). Pharmacy, 6(1), 6; doi:10.3390/pharmacy6010006
Monographic Documentation of the Medicinal Plants of Bangladesh.,MSK Choudhuri, Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar & A Ghani (1990). In: Ghani A (Ed) Traditional Medicine, JU, Dhaka; 1: 64-72.
Academic Info
Period: 1983 - 1984
Secondary School Certificate Examination, First division
Period: 1985 - 1986
Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination, First Division
Period: 1986 - 1987
Bachelors of Pharmacy (Honours), First Class
Period: 1989 - 1990
Masters of Pharmacy First Class
Period: 2000
104 credit hour certificate course on Health Economics
Position: Junior consultant
Period: May 1, 1993 – February 28 1994
Edited vol. 1 no. 3 & 4; vol. 2 no. 1 & 2 of SCAN – a quarterly published journal on the advancement in the medical science. Author of the review articles in the above stated issues of the journal. Prepared manuals and brochure of some of newly introduces drugs and updated some others.
Position: Technical Services Officer
Period: March 1, 1994 – June 25, 1994
- Supervise the marketing of various diagnostic reagents and instruments used in clinical pathology laboratories.
- Conducted market research for the limited.
- Maintain communication with clients in home and mother enterprises in abroad.
Position: Lecturer
Period: June 26, 1994 – September 19, 1999
Key teaching responsibilities Physiology, Biochemistry, Biopharmaceutics and clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacology, Basic Chemistry for Botany.
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: September 19, 1999 – July 31, 2005
Key teaching responsibilities – Clinical Pathology, Biopharmaceutics and clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacology, Physiology, Biochemistry for pharmacy and Introductory Pharmacy for Biochemistry.
Position: Associate Professor
Period: August 01, 2005 to August 11, 2012
Key teaching responsibilities – Clinical Pharmacy; Clinical Pathology, Biopharmaceutics and clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacology, and Physiology.
Position: Visiting faculty (Part time)
Period: January, 2004 - Present
Key teaching responsibilities – Biopharmaceutics and clinical Pharmacokinetics.
Position: Visiting faculty (Part time)
Period: July, 2006 - Present
Clinical Pharmacy; Biopharmaceutics and clinical Pharmacokinetics.
Period: 23 April 1995 to 2 June 1997
Assist day to day management of student dormitory.
Period: 3 June 1997 to 25 December, 1998
Assist day to day management of student dormitory.
Period: 26 December, 1998 to 26 January, 2003
Lead one or more sector in day to day management of student dormitory.
Position: WARDEN
Period: January 27, 2003 to December 04, 2006
Lead one or more sector in day to day management of student dormitory.
Position: Provost
Period: December 05, 2006 to December 31, 2008
Chief executive of student dormitory
Period: April 27, 2005 to April 18, 2008
Assist maintaining the discipline of the student.
Position: Proctor
Period: April 19, 2008 to December 31, 2008
Chief executive, responsible for the maintenance of student discipline.
Position: Professor
Period: August 12, 2012 to Date
Key teaching responsibilities – Clinical Pharmacy; Clinical Pathology, Biopharmaceutics and clinical Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacology, and Physiology.
Position: Chairman
Period: June 16, 2012 to June 16, 2015
Chief executive of the department.
Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar (মোহাম্মদ মাফরুহী সাত্তার)
Department of Pharmacy
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +8801811140410
Email: mafruhi1968@juniv.edu