Masum Shahriar Professor, Department of Pharmacy
Pharmacology, Toxicology
1. Sultana MS, Golder M, Biswas B, Karmakar UK, Bokshi B, Alam MJ, Shahriar M, Sadhu SK. (2022). Antioxidative and Antidiabetic Potentials of the Pneumatophores of Heritiera fomes Buch. Ham. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci. 20(3): 283-291
2. Ahmed S, Yesmine S, Rahman M, Shahriar M. (2021). Assessment of Interactions of Drugs Prescribed for Pediatric Patients in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal 24 (2), 91-98
3. Tanny SZ, Ropuk RS, Patowary AA, Lata L, Mahmud MH, Hasan MN, Shahriar M.( 2021) Investigation of Analgesic, Anti-Inflammatory, Hypoglycaemic, Neuropharmacological and Cytotoxic Properties of Clerodendrum viscosum (Leaves). Austin J Plant Biol. 7(1): 1029.
4. Rajib AH, Rahman M, Majumder S, Akter F, Islam F, Shahriar M and Alam J. (2021). Pre-clinical investigation of analgesic, anti-diarrheal and CNS depressant effect of Pterocarpus indicus in Swiss albino mice. Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 14(1); 85-96
5. Shill MC, Bepari AK, Khan M, Tasneem Z, Ahmed T, Hasan MA, Alam MJ, Hossain M, Rahman MA, Sharker SM, Shahriar M, Rahman GMS, Reza HM. (2021). Therapeutic Potentials of Colocasia affinis Leaf Extract for the Alleviation of Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes and Diabetic Complications: In vivo and in silico-Based Studies. Journal of Inflammation Research. 14, 443–459.
6. Rouf MA, Das AK, Khatoon MK, Mitu NL and Shahriar M. (2021). Evaluation of hepatoprotective effects of arogyavardhini against D-galactosamine-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 10(1): 12-19
7. Dev, S., Acharyya, R., Shill, M., Bari, M. A., Asma, K., Mahmud, I., Hossain, H., Biswas, N., Shahriar M., & Das, A. (2021). Bioactivities of Colocasia affinis Schott and Profiling of its Bioactive Polyphenols by HPLC-DAD. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal, 24(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.3329/bpj.v24i1.51629
8. Hasan M, Mahmud AA, Alam MJ, Siddiqui SA, Arman MSI,ahmud MH, Amin MN, Imtiaz O, Shahriar M, Jakaria M. (2020). Subacute oral toxicity of Ayurvedic anti-diabetic preparation Jambadyarista in Sprague-Dawley rats, Toxicology Reports, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxrep.2020.11.011
9. Hannan JMA, Ansar P, Bakshi HA, Shahriar M, Azam S, Faruck,HL, Choudhuri MSK. (2020) Comparative Clinical Study of Nabayas Louha: An Ayurvedic Haematinic Preparation and a Conventional Iron Preparation in Female Anemic Patients. J Plant Biochem Physiol. 8:253.
10. Afsari T, Dilshad M, Miah MH, Hossain MS, Akhter L, Jahan A, Alam MJ, Rahman MM and Shahriar M. (2020). Investigationof lipid lowering effect of Gynura nepalensis(leaves)in fat induced hyperlipidemic rat. Pharmacology Online. 2: 213-221
11. Das DR, Hossain MM, Tanny SZ, Alam MJ and Shahriar M. (2019). Phytochemical screening, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antidiarreal effect 0f Veronia patula whole plant.. Pharmacology Online. 3: 58-70.
12. Rahman MM, Ali MA, Parvez A, Shahriar M, Rahman T,Shameem D. (2019). Knowledge and Practice of Personal Hygiene among Primary School Students in Dhaka, Bangladesh. J. Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 11(9), 3140-3144
13. Jahan N, Jannatul F, Alam MJ, Rahman T, Rahman MM, Shahriar M. (2019). Antidiarrheal Activity of Ethanolic Extract of Melochia corchorifolia L. and Glochidion thomsonii in Experimental Animal Models. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal. 22(2): 192-199.
14. Mahaldar K, Hossain A, Islam F, Islam S, Islam MA, Shahriar M, Rahman MM. (2019). Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Activity of Piper retrofractum Against Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Sprague-Dawley Rat. Nat Prod Res. 19:1-7
15. Rahman MH, Oliullah ABM, Rahman MM, Alam MJ, Shahriar M, Jahan F. (2018). Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of ethanolic extract of Glochidion Thomsoni(Bark). Pharmacology Online. 3: 317-323
16. Rahman MM, Rahman MH, Oliullah ABM, Shahriar M. (2018). Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of ethanolic extract of Gynura Nepalensis (Leaf). Pharmacology Online. 3: 247-253.
17. Awoal MA, Das R, Hasan MR, Lopa SS, Islam T, Shahriar M and Choudhuri MSK. (2018). Hepatoprotective activity of Trichosanthes dioica Roxb. leaves against D-galactosamine induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 7(6): 884-889
18. Lina SMM , Ashab I , Bhuiya MS and Shahriar M. (2018).Hepatoprotective Activity of Hedyotis corymbosa (Linn.) Lam. Extract Against Anti-Tubercular Drug Induced Hepatic Damage in Sprague-Dawley Rats. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal. 21(2): 131-138
19. Hossain MM , Nahar S , Choudhury TR , Shahriar M , Uddin N , Islam AFMM, Sarker A and Saha P. (2018). Studies of Heavy Metal Contents and Microbial Profile in Selected Pediatric Oral Liquid Preparations Available in Bangladesh. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 21(4): 1-15.
20. Dev S, Shefa AA, Mandal A, Gayen PR, Asma K, Bari MAA, Shahriar M, Das AK. (2017) Evaluation of Antioxidant and Chemopreventive Effect of Cocos nucifera L. Jahangirnagar University J. Biol. Sci. 6(2): 47-58
21. Mizuguchi H, Das Ak, Maeyama K, Dev S, Shahriar M, Kitamura Y, Takeda N, Fukui H. (2016) Antihistamines suppress upregulation of histidine decarboxylase gene expression with potencies different from their binding affinities for histamine H₁ receptor in toluene 2,4-diisocyanate-sensitized rats. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 130:212-218
22. Ullah B, Ahmed S, Shahariar M, Yesmine S. (2016) Current trend of antibiotic resistance in lower respiratory tract infections (LRTIs): An experience in a teaching hospital in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal 19(1): 85-91
23. Arefin SMA, Islam MA, Rashid STB, Rayhan MA, Hossen M, Alam MJ and Shahriar M., (2015). Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and CNS effect of the ethanolic extract of Butea monosperma roots. Jahangirnagar University J. Biol. Sci. 4(1): 9-18
24. Khanam D, Deb D, Dev S, Shahriar M, Das AK and Kawsar MH. (2014). Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Activities of Ethanolic Extract of Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal 17(1): 62-66.
25. Saha AK, Rahman MR, Shahriar M, Saha SK, Azad NA, Das S. (2013). Screening of six Ayurvedic Medicinal Plant Extracts for Antioxidant and Cytotoxic Activity. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry; 2(2): 181-188.
26. Lina SMM, Mahbub KMM, Ashab I, Faruk AF, Atanu SH, Alam MJ and Sahriar M. (2013). Antioxidant and Cytotoxicity potential of Alcohol and Petroleum ether extract of Borassus flabellifer Linn. Int J Pharm Sci Res; 4(4); 1000-1005.
27. Akter T, Mia Z, Shahriar M. (2013). Antibiotic sensitivity of pathogens causing urinary tract infection. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal. 16(1): 53-58
28. Lina SMM, Ashab I, Ahmed MI, Amin MA, Shahriar M. (2012). Hepatoprotective activity of Asteracantha longifolia (Nees.)extract against anti-tuberculosis drugs induced hepatic damage in Sprague-Dawley rats. Pharmacology Online. 3: 13 - 19
29. Amin MA, Chowdhury IA, Mahbub K. M.M., Sattar M, Shahriar M, Kuddus MR and Rashid MA. (2012). Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of Asteracantha longifolia Nees. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal 15(2): 171-176,
30. Roy D, Shill MK, Dev S, Deb D, Shahriar M, Das AK, Choudhuri MSK. (2012) Anti-nociceptive and Antipyretic activities of Hydroalcoholic extract of Cassia sophera Linn. Leaves., Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal. 15(2): 107-111
31. Sarker MMR, Nahar S, Shahriar M, Seraj S, Choudhuri MSK. (2012) Preliminary study of the immunostimulating activity of an Ayurvedic preparation, Kanakasava, on the splenic cells of Balb/c mice in-vitro. Pharmaceutical Biology. 50(11): 1467–1472.
32. Hossain S., Rahaman A., Nahar T., Basunia M A., Mowsumi F R., Uddin B., Shahriar M., Mahmud I. (2012) Syzygium cumini (L.) skeels seed extract ameliorates in vitro and in vivo oxidative potentials of the brain cerebral cortex of alcohol-treated rats. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine. 12:59–66
33. Nurul IM, Mizuguchi H, Shahriar M, Venkatesh P, Maeyama K, Mukherjee PK, Hattori M, Choudhuri MS, Takeda N, Fukui H. (2011). Albizia lebbeck suppresses histamine signaling by the inhibition of histamine H(1) receptor and histidine decarboxylase gene transcriptions. Int Immunopharmacology, 11(11):1766-72.
34. Deb D, Das AK, Khanam D, Banu H, Shahriar M, Ashraf A, Choudhuri MSK, Basher SK. (2010). Anti-nociceptive, anti-inflammatory and anti-diarrheal activity of crude root extract of Lasia spinosa Linn. (Family- Araceae). Lat Am J Pharm., 29(8):1269-1276.
35. Rahman A, Paul AK, Uddin MN, Seraj S, Bulbul L, Shahriar M. (2009) Neuropharmacologic study of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Singer. Bangladesh Journal of Mushroom., 3(1); 29-35.
36. Shahriar M, Mizuguchi H, Maeyama K., Kitamura Y, Orimoto N, Horio S, Umehara H, Hattori M, Takeda N and Fukui H. (2009). Suplatast tosilate Inhibits Histamine Signaling by Direct and Indirect Down-regulation of Histamine H1 Receptor Gene Expression through Supression of Histidine Decarboxylase and IL-4 Gene transcription. J. Immunol; 183(3):2133-41.
37. Shahriar M, Rahman JMF, Choudhuri MSK. (2009). Pharmacological Study of Nyctanthes arbor-tristris L. Bangladesh J. Life Sci. 21(1): 87-94
38. Zhang Y, Shahriar M, Zhang J, Ahmed SU and Lim SH. (2009). Clofarabine induces hypomethylation of DNA and expression of Cancer Testis antigens. Leuk. Res. 33(12):1678-83.
39. Ahmed SU, Meklat F, Shahriar M, Jian Z, Mastulov S, , Jewell A, Giannakouros T, Yana Z and Lim SH. (2009). SEMG 1 Expression in Early Stage Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. Cytothrapy, 11(2): 238-44.
40. Meklat F, Yana Z, Shahriar M, Ahmed SU, Li W, Voukkalis N, Wang Z , Jian Z, Mastulov S; Jewell A, Giannakouros T and Lim SH. (2008). Identification of Protamine 1 as a novel CT antigen in early CLL. Br. J Haematol. 144(5):660-6.
41. Das AK, Maeyama K, Dev S, Shahriar M, Hatano M, Matsushita C, Kitamura Y, Mizuguchi H, Takeda N, Fukui H. (2007) Suppression of HDC gene expression by histamine H1 receptor antagonists: A new therapeutic target against allergic rhinitis. Folia Pharmacologica Japonica (supple) 129(2): 24 -24
42. Hatano M, Matsushita C, Kuroda W, Kitamura Y, Das AK, Dev S, Shahriar M, Mizuguchi H, Takeda N, Fukui H. (2007) Early treatment of antihistamines suppresses toluene 2, 4-diisocyanate-induced histamine H1, receptor and interleukin-4 mRNA elevation in allergy model rats. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 103(suppl.1): 91 -91
43. Rajia S, Choudhur MSK, Sattar M and Shahriar M, (2007) An Investigation on the Pharmacological Activity of an Ayurvedic Formulation Mahadraksharista. Hamdard Medicus; 50 (3): 17-22.
44. Rajia S, Choudhuri MSK, Sattar M, Shahriar M. (2006) Preliminary pharmacological evaluation of an Ayurvedic formulation Dasamularista. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine. 6(3), 208-214
45. Rajia S, Alamgir M, Shahriar M, Choudhuri MSK. (2006) Bioactivity of the methanol extract of Excoecaria agallocha Linn. (Euphorbiaceae) Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine. 6(2), 102-107.
46. Shahriar M, Hannan JMA, Bhuiyan MK, Choudhuri MSK. (2004) Study Of Aqueous Extract Of Nine Plants Used In Ayurvedic Medicine On Gastrointestinal Motility And Metabolism. University of Science & Technology Annual, pp 27-38
47. Hannan JMA, MSK Choudhuri, Haque S, Shahriar M. (2004) Pharmacological Effect Of Nabayas Louha –An Ayurvedic Haematinic Preparation.. Hamdard Medicus. XLVII
48. Hannan JMA, Choudhuri MSK, Haque S, Shahriar M. (2004) Pharmacological Study Of Rasaraja Rasa -An Ayurvedic Metal Preparation. Hamdard Medicus, XLVII, 2, 63-68
49. Islam M.A., Rahman M.K. and Shahriar M. (2004) Studies of Neurotransmitter Mediating Enzyme Dopamine-β-Hydroxylase, Its Cofactors and Other Biochemical Parameters in the Serum of Non-Diabetic Heart Disease Patients. Bangladesh J. Life Sci. 16(1): 53-60
50. Alamgir M, Khan MTK, Jabbar S, Choudhuri MSK and Shahriar M. (2003). Bioactivity Study of the Aqueous Extract Of Ocimum sanctum Linn.(Labiteae). Hamdard Medicus, XLVI Nos. 3, 34-37
51. Haque S, Choudhuri MSK, Islam MN, Sattar M, Shahriar M. (2003). Evaluation of the effect of “Treenoponchomul” (TPM)- An Ayurvedic diuretic preparation. Hamdard Medicus, XLVI No 2, 54-60.
52. Islam MN, Haque S, Shahriar M, Sattar M, Choudhuri MSK. (2003). A Psycho-Pharmacological Study Of Brihat Vatacintamani Rasa¬ Classical Ayurvedic Drug. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine. 3(2), 63-71
53. Haque S, Choudhuri MSK, Islam MN, Sattar M, Faruque A, Shahriar M. (2003). Effect of Treenoponchomul- an Ayurvedic Diuretic Preparation on Urination and Electrolyte Elimination. Bangladesh J. Life Sci. 15(1): 87-97.
54. Hannan JMA, Shahriar M, Islam MN, Sattar M, Haque S, Choudhuri MSK. (2003). Neuropharmacological Study Of Some Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine. 3(1), 8-17
55. Haque S, Hannan JMA, Choudhuri MSK, Shahriar M, Islam MN, Sattar M. (2003). Pharmacological Study Of “Treenoponchomul”-An Ayurvedic Diuretic Preparation. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine. 3(1), 21-28.
56. Rahaman M, Hossain M, Talukder MAS, Shahriar M, Zakaria MM. (2002) Prevalence Of -Lactamase Producing Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Antimicrobial Sensitivity Pattern. Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal. 12(2), 1-5.
57. Haque S, Choudhuri MSK, Islam MN, Sattar M, Hannan JMA, Shahriar M (2001). Pharmacological Study Of Sri Mahalaxmi Bilas (Rasayan) -An Ayurvedic Analgesic Preparation. Hamdard Medicus, XLIV, 2, 54-60
58. Choudhuri MSK; Shahriar M; Rahman JMF; Rahman SMS. (2000) Nyctanthes arbortristis L.- A Review on its Chemistry and Pharmacology. Hamdard Medicus, XLIII, 3, 117-123
59. Rahman S, Sattar M, Faruque A, Choudhuri MSK, Shahriar M. (2000) Neuropharmacological Study Of Saraswata Rasayana - An Ayurvedic Preparation Used As Medhya Rasyana. Bangladesh Journal of Integrated Medicine. 1(2), 21-24.
60. Shahriar M; Bhuiya MS; Khan MTK; Gafur MA; Choudhuri MSK. (2000). Pharmcological Study of Symplocos recemosa Roxb. Hamdard Medicus, XLIII, 2, 8-18.
61. Rahman JMF; Shahriar M; Chakraborty P; Sattar M; Choudhuri MSK; (2000). Acute Metabolic and Chronic Toxicity Study Nyctanthes arbortristis L. Hamdard Medicus, XLIII, 2, 19-23.
62. Chakma TK; Nahar N; Shahriar M; Alamgir M; Choudhuri MSK (2000). Studies on the Prospect of Medicinal plant Resources of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Bangladesh Journal of Integrated Medicine.1 (1), 23-29.
63. Shahriar M; Choudhuri MSK; Alamgir M; Rahman JMF; Rahman S (1999). Acute Metabolic and Chronic Toxicity Study of Symplocos recemosa Roxb., Hamdard Medicus, XLII, 2, 62-66.
64. Shahriar M; MSK Choudhuri; M Naimul Islam; Sabera Hauque; Kawser H (1999). Neuropharmacological Study Of Jambadyarista- An Ayurvedic Preparation For The Treatment Of Diabetes. University of Science & Technology Annual, pp 29-35.
65. Ahsan ATMK; Choudhuri MSK; Shahriar M; Huda MN; Chowdhury Z (1997) Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. Published in the Proceedings on National Workshop on Plant Genetic Resources- Bangladesh Perspective. 26-29 August, BARC, Dhaka.
66. Shahriar M; Choudhuri MSK; Neelotpol S; Tabassum S; Sattar M; Bhuiyan M K (1997). Neuropharmacological study of Kalameghasava - An Ayurvedic Preparation for the Treatment of Hepatobiliary Disorders. University of Science & Technology Annual, pp 72-77.
67. Neelotpol S; Choudhuri MSK; Shahriar M; Rahman S; Anwar K and Hannan JMA (1995). Neuropharmacological study of Sanjivanirasayana- A Preparation for the Treatment of insomnia. Bangladesh J. Physiol. Pharmacol., pp 33-35.
Abstract presented at different conferences
1. Kishoara F, Salma U, Shahriar M, Yesmine S. A preliminary study on the prevalence of kidney disease among the students of two residential halls of Jahangirnagar University. 14th Annual Convention & Cientific Seminer, Kidney Foundation, Dhaka(December, 2018)
2. Zhang Y, Shahriar M, Zhang J and Lim SH. Clofarabine Induces Hypomethylation of DNA and Expression of Cancer-Testis Antigens. 50th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition. San Francisco, CA (December, 2008)
3. 秦野昌弥、松下知世、M. Shahriar、黒田若奈、北村嘉章、S. Dev、水口博之、武田憲昭、福井裕行, Early treatment of antihistamines suppresses toluene 2, 4-diisocyanate-induced histamine H1 receptor and interleukin-4 mRNA elevation in allergy model rats. 第80回日本薬理学会年会. (March, 2007)
4. Shahriar M, 堀長志帆, S. Dev, 秦野昌也, 水口博之, 前山一隆, 福井裕行 Suppression of histamine signaling related mRNA elevation by Suplatast tosilate in TDI allergy model rat. JHRS, Okayama. (December, 2006)
5. 秦野昌弥、松下知世、M. Shahriar、黒田若奈、北村嘉章、S. Dev、水口博之、武田憲昭、福井裕行 , ヒスタミンH1受容体拮抗薬早期投与によるアレルギー関連遺伝子発現抑制.. JHRS, Okayama. (December, 2006)
6. AK Das, K. Maeyama, S. Dev, M. Shahriar, M. Hatano, C. Matsushita, Y. Kitamura, H. Mizuguchi, N. Takeda and H. Fukui. Suppression of HDC gene expression by histamine H1 receptor antagonists: A new therapeutic target against allergic rhinitis. Regional pharmacological meeting, Kyoto (November, 2006)
7. 秦野昌弥、松下知世、M. Shahriar、黒田若奈、北村嘉章、S.Dev、水口博之、武田憲昭、福井裕行. ヒスタミンH1受容体拮抗薬早期投与によるH1受容体とインターロイキン4遺伝子発現抑制. 第45回 日本薬剤会日本病院薬剤師会中四国支部学術大会. (October, 2006)
8. 秦野昌弥、松下知世、M. Shahriar、黒田若奈、北村嘉章、S Dev.、水口博之、武田憲昭、福井裕行.ヒスタミンH1受容体拮抗薬早期投与によるH1受容体遺伝子発現抑制. 長井長義シンポジウム(September, 2006)
9. Shahriar M, Shiho Horinaga, Asish K. Das, Hiroyuki Mizuguchi, Hiroyuki Fukui. (2006) Suppression of histamine signaling-related mRNA elevation by suplatast tosilate in allergy rat. Presented at 7th Nagai Symposium held in the University of Tokushima, Japan. September 6-7
10. Shrabanti Dev, Shiho Horinaga, Asish K. Das, Shahriar M, Hiroyuki Mizuguchi, Hiroyuki Fukui. (2006) Suppressive effect of Sophora radix(Kujin)on Allergy related gene expression in the nasal mucosa of TDI-induced allergy model rat. Presented at 7th Nagai Symposium held in the University of Tokushima, Japan. September 6-7
11. Islam M., Shahriar M. and Choudhuri MSK. (2003) Pharmacological Study of Arjunarista and Rohitakarista-Two Ayurvedic Preparations Used in Geriatric Disorder. Presented at the Third Annual Scientific Conference of Bangladesh Association for Laboratory Animal Science, July 31.
12. Rajia S., Shahriar M. and Choudhuri MSK. (2003) Pharmacological Study of Arjunarista and Rohitakarista-Two Ayurvedic Preparations Used in Geriatric Disorder. Presented at the Third Annual Scientific Conference of Bangladesh Association for Laboratory Animal Science, July 31
13. Karim MR, Uddin MF, Shahriar M, Choudhuri MSK. (2002) Pharmacological Profile of an Ayurvedic Preparation- Meha Mudgar. Presented at the Second Annual Scientific Conference of Bangladesh Association for Laboratory Animal Science, June 27.
14. Hossain M; Talukder MAS; Shahriar M; Zakaria MM (1999). Preliminary Study of -Lactamase Production by Penicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Presented at the Seventh National Convention of Bangladesh Society of Pathologist, March 12.
15. Choudhuri MSK; Shahriar M; Bhuiyan MFR; Chakrabarty SN (1997). Developing Sequential Output on Medicines of Ayurveda Through Informed Computer (SOMATIC) in the Service for Customized Search According to Clinical Requirements of Diabetics. Appeared at the publication of the Second International Seminar on Plant Materials as a Source of Antidiabetic Agent. December 6-8.
16. Chowdhury MH; Shahriar M; Choudhuri MSK (1997). Does Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants Lead Towards the Higher Possibility of Isolating Hypoglycemic Chemicals. Appeared at the publication of the Second International Seminar on Plant Materials as a Source of Antidiabetic Agent. December 6-8.
17. Shahriar M; Choudhuri MSK; Neelotpol S and Hannan JMA (1995). Inter-relation of Hypoglycemic Properties with Other Pharmacological Activities in Ayurvedic Plants of Proven Hypoglycemic Activity. Publication during the first Diabetes and Endocrine Conference, Diabetic Association of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Endocrine Society , October 28.
18. Haque S; Choudhuri MSK; Hannan JMA; Shahriar M; Neelotpol S and Azam GM (1994). Studies on the Diuretic Activity of Treenoponchomul. Publication during the Fifth National Convention and Scientific Seminar of Bangladesh Physiological and Pharmacological Society, July 2, 1994.
19. Hannan JMA; Choudhuri MSK; Haque S; Shahriar M; Neelotpol S and Tabassum S (1994). Pharmacological profile of Nabayas Louha - An Ayurvedic Drug Depicting Central Nervous System Depressant Activity. Publication of the First International Seminar on Plant Materials as a Source of Antidiabetic Agent . January 8-10.
20. Shahriar M; Choudhuri MSK; Neelotpol S; Haque S; Tabassum S and Faruque A (1994). Studies on the Pharmacological Effects of Jambadyarista- An Ayurvedic Antidiabetic Preparation. Appeared at the publication of the First International Seminar on Plant Materials as a Source of Anti-diabetic Agent. January 8-10.
Course Code | Course Title | Semester/Year |
Pharm 6105 | Advanced Pharmacology | MS |
Pharm 5102 | Pharmacotherapy III | Fifth |
Pharm 4108 | Pharmacology III | Fourth |
Pharm 3107 | Pharmacotherapy I | Third |
Pharm 2107 | Pharmacology I | Second |
Pharm 1106 | Pharmaceutical Microbiology | First year |
Academic Info
Period: 1991-1993
B. Pharm
Period: 1991-1993
B. Pharm
Period: 1995-1996
M. Pharm
Period: 2005-2007
Ms in Pharmacology
Position: Professor
Period: May 19, 2016 ~
Position: Biology Research Assistant
Period: February 18, 2008- January 27, 2009
Position: Associate Professor
Period: March 10, 2012 –May 18, 2016
Position: Assistant Professor
Period: December 15, 2005- March 0, 2012
Position: Lecturer
Period: April 2, 2003 - December 15, 2005
Position: Lecturer
Period: June15, 1998 – April 1, 2003
Masum Shahriar
Department of Pharmacy
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Email: masum_shahriar@juniv.edu