Professor Dr. Rasheda Akhtar Professor, Department of Anthropology
Medical Anthropology, Child Rights, Gender Issues, Research Methodology, Environmental Anthropology
1. Alam S, Siddique NKA and Rasheda Akhtar (2022). Social interaction between 'host' and 'guest': Rohingya refugee context in Bangladesh, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 4(3), 85-93, https://doi.org/10.34104/ajssls.022.085093.
2. Alam S, Hossain M and Rasheda Akhtar (2021), 'Life of Uncertainty': Encounter of Childhood in the Brothel, The Jahangirnagar Review, Part II: Social Sciences, Vol. XLV, ISSN 1682-422.
3. Rasheda Akhtar (2021), Women and Politics: Context of Bangladesh (in native language), in Tareq Shamsur Rehman (eds), 50 years of Politics in Bangladesh , Shobha Prakas, Dhaka.
4. Rasheda Akhtar, Alam S, Siddiquee NKA (2020), Education for Visually Impaired: Congeniality Study of Digital Talking Book, The Jahangirnagar Review, Part II: Social Sciences, Vol. XLII, 2018 (Printed in February 2020), ISSN 1682-422.
5. Alam S and Rasheda Akhtar (2020), Refugee crisis: Anthropological study of daily experiences and practices of host community (in native language), Somaj biggan Somikkha, Vol-4, Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
6. Rasheda Akhtar, Alam S, Siddiquee NKA. (2019), Telemedicine: an ICT based healthcare approach to ensure health service for all, Int J Community Med Public Health, 6:3732-8.
7. Tania Saha, Rasheda Akhtar and Alam S (2019), Female dress and Socio-cultural construction of its meaning, (in native language), Somaj biggan Somikkha, Vol-3, Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
8. Rasheda Akhtar and Sazzadul Alam (2015), Multi-dimension of the Crisis of Self-identity: Context Chittagong Hill Tract (in native language), Samaj Nirikkhan, Samaj Nirikkhan Kendra, Vol-133, Dhaka.
9. Rasheda Akhtar (2012), Commercialization of Kidney Transplantation: Case Bangladesh (in native language), Muhammad Mizanuddin and others (eds), Ideas and Practices in Development : Anthropological Perspective, Department of Anthropology, University of Rajshahi.
10. Rasheda Akhtar (2012), Microcredit doesn’t work – it’s now official (in native language), Nribiggan Patrica, vol-17, Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
11. Rasheda Akhtar (2011), Political Economy of Anthropology: A theoretical overview (in native language), Nribiggan Patrika, vol-16, Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
12. Rasheda Akhtar and Zahir Ahmed (2011), Good to think rather than Good to eat: Levi-Strauss revisited, The Journal of Social Studies, Vol-129, Centre For Social Studies, Dhaka.
13. Rasheda Akhtar (2008), Women and Politics in Bangladesh (in native language), in Tareq Shamsur Rehman (eds), Four Decades of the Politics in Bangladesh, Shobha Prakas, Dhaka.
14. Rasheda Akhtar (2007), Child Labour and the Right to Education in South Asia: Needs Versus Rights? (Book review in native language), Nribiggan Patrika, vol-12, Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dakha, Pp.167-173
15. Rasheda Akhtar (2007), Discourses of Child Participation: The Case of Save the Children, The Jahangirnagar Review, Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka,Vol - XXX.
16. Rasheda Akhtar (2006), Household Perceptions in Studying Nutritional Knowledge (in native language), Nribiggan Patrika, vol-11, Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Pp. 39-52
17. Rasheda Akhtar (2005), The Legacy of Biomedicine: A Historical Perspective (in native language), Samaj Nirikkhan, Vol-92, Samaj Nirikkhan Kendra, Dhaka. Pp 9-19.
18. Rasheda Akhtar, Zobaida Nasreen and Haridhan Goswami (2003), Cultural Construction of the Reproductive Health of Pregnant and Lactating Mothers: Experiences of some Village Woman in Bangladesh, Journal of Asian Women’s Studies, Vol-12. Kita Kyushu Forum on Asian Women, Japan. Pp 62-77
19. Rasheda Akhtar (2003), TBA Practice of Development discourse: An Anthropological Analysis (in native language), Nribiggan Patrika, vol-8, Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka. Pp.81-100
20. Rasheda Akhtar (2003), Current Trend in Medical Anthropology: An Overview (in native language), S.M. Nurul Alam (eds), In Society, Body and Environment, Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Pp. 114-129
21. Rasheda Akhtar and Zobaida Nasreen (2002), The Representation of Chittagong Hill Tracts: An Overview, S.M. Nurul Alam (eds), In Contemporary Anthropology: Theory and Practice, Jahangirnagar University and The University Press Limited, Dhaka.
22. Rasheda Akhtar (2002), Knowledge Bank Project of World Bank: New Type of Foreign Aid (in native language), Nribiggan Patrika, Vol-7, Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
23. Rasheda Akhtar (2002), Trends in writing Feminist Ethnography(in native language), In Practice: a collection of Anthropological literature, Zahir Ahmed and Manosh Chowdhury (eds.) Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
24. Rasheda Akhtar and Zobaida Nasreen (2000), Field of Anthropology: An Anthropological Overview (in native language), Samaj Nirikhan Kendra, Dhaka,Vol-81.
25. Rasheda Akhtar and Zobaida Nasreen (2000), Cultural Construction of Reproductive Health of Pregnant and Lactating Mothers (in native language), Nribiggan Patrika, Department of Anthropology, Vol-5, Jahgangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
26. Rasheda Akhtar (2000), Development of Bangladesh: Women’s Involvement and State Policy (in native language), Tareq Shamsur Rehman (eds), In Bangladesh State and Politics, Moula Brothers, Dhaka.
27. Rasheda Akhtar and Rumel Halder (1999), The Role of NGOs and Women’s Perception of Empowerment: An Anthropological Study in a Village, Empowerment, Journal of Women for Women, Vol-6, Dhaka.
28. Rasheda Akhtar, Abdul Bayes and J. Vou Braun (1999), Village pay Phones and Poverty Reduction Insights from a Grameen Bank Initiative in Bangladesh, Discussion Papers on Development Policy, No.8. Center for Development Research, Bonn, Germany.
29. Rasheda Akhtar and S.M. Nurul Alam (1998), Experience of Development in Bangladesh: Anthropological Perspectives, An Analytical Discourse on Development (ed) Abdul Bayes and Anu Muhammad. The University Press Ltd. Dhaka.
30. Rasheda Akhtar, Altaf Hossain and Haidary Kamal (1997), Septic Abortion: Results from an Anthropological Study, Bangladesh Association for Prevention of Septic Abortion, Publication No-14, Mirpur, Dhaka.
31. Rasheda Akhtar (1997), Vulnerability and Survival Strategies of the Riverbank Eroded Women in Bangladesh: An Anthropological Study in a Village, Asian Studies, Vol. No-16, Department of Government and Politics, Jagangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
32. S.M.Nurul Alam, Rasheda Akhtar and Israt Ahmed (1996), Women in Development: Experience of NGOs in Some Villages of Kapasia Thana of Gazipur District, Empowerment Vol-2, A journal of Women for Women, Dhaka.
33. S.M.Nurul Alam and Rasheda Akhtar (1996), Anthropology in Bangladesh: Past, Present and Future, Asian Studies Vol 15. Department of Government and Politics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
34. Rasheda Akhtar (1996), Women and Children in Disaster: An Anthropological Review (in native language), Nribiggan Patrika. Vol-3. Department of Anthropology, Jahgangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
35. Rasheda Akhtar (1996), Vulnerability and Survival Strategies of the Riverbank Eroded Women in Harirampur: An Anthropological Study in a Village (in native language), Dharidra Gabeshana Protibedon –005 Grameen Trust, Poverty Alleviation Research Programme, Dhaka.
36. Rasheda Akhtar (1996), NGOs in Development Activities: Changing Socio-Economic, Family Attitudes and Values of Rural Women: An Anthropological Review (in native language), Khamotayon Vol -1, Journal of Women for Women, Dhaka.
37. Rasheda Akhtar (1992), Environmental Aspects of Agricultural Development in Bangladesh, Journal of Social Studies, No. 55, Dhaka, Pp.122-124.
38. Rasheda Akhtar (1992), Problems and Prospects of Participant Observation in Anthropological Research (in native language), Samaj Nirkhan, No. 45, Samaj Nirikhan Kendra, Dhaka, Pp 32-50.
39. S.M.Nurul Alam and Rasheda Akhtar (1992), Problem of Ethnic Identity and National Integration: A Case Study from Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh; The Jahangirnagar Review, Part II, Social Science Vol XIII and XIV, Social Science Faculty, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka
40. Rasheda Akhtar (1991), Male Bias in Anthropology: Prejudice or bias (in native language), Nribiggan Patrika, Vol –2, Department of anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Pp11-29.
1. Received an Award from the Chancellor of the Dhaka University for securing the position of First Class, First B.S.S. Honours in Academic Session, 1981-84 (held in 1986).
2. Received Nazmul Karim Memorial Award (Gold Medal) from the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for securing First Class First M.S.S. Final Examination in Academic Session, 1984-85 (held in 1988).
1. Presented a paper jointly in an International Symposium on "Life in ‘Between and betwixt’: Anthropological exploration of COVID-19" organized by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Japan, in 2020.
2. Presented a paper on "Forced Migration and Childhood Construction: Context Rohingya Camp" organized by University of Eastern Finland, SF KUOPIO, Finland in 2019.
3. Presented a paper jointly on "Refugee Quandary in Ukhiya: Anxiety, Disjunction and Negotiation of Local Community" held at the Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, in 2018.
4. Presented a paper on "Dilemma of Ethnographic Self in the domain of Reflexivity" held at the Department of Anthropology, University of Comilla, in 2013.
5. Presented a paper on "Understanding nutrition beyond bio-science" held at the Sociological Association, Bangladesh, University of Dhaka, in 2012.
6. Presented a paper on "Commercialization of Kidney Transplantation: Case Bangladesh" held at the Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, in 2011
7. Presented a paper on "Child Comodification and Trafficking: A Theoretical Analysis" held at the Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, in 2011.
8. Presented a paper on, "Child Rights Course" held at Chittagong University in 2010.
9. Presented a paper on "Child Rights Course" held at University Grand Commission, Dhaka. in 2010.
10. Presented a paper jointly on "Good to think rather than Good to eat: Levi-Strauss revisited" Dhaka University Auditorium, Dhaka, in 2009.
11. Presented a paper on "The Legacy of Biomedicine: A Historical Perspective" Chittagong University, Chittagong in 2001.
12. Presented a paper on "Feminist Writings and Gender Conceptualization" held at Social Science Gallery, Jahangirnagar University, Savar Dhaka, in 2000.
13. Special Presentation on "Cultural Construction of Reproductive Health of Pregnant and Lactating Mothers", held at the Jahangirnagar Auditorium, Funded by Ford Foundation, in 2000.
14. Presented A paper jointly on "Anthropological Perspective Experience of Development in Bangladesh" held at Social Science Gallery, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka in 1997.
15. Attended a Dissemination Seminar for "Strengthening Population Policy and Research Capacity project", Hotel Sheraton 27 May 1997. Hosted by Population Council, Bangladesh.
16. Attended a workshop on "Reproductive Tract Infections and Sexually Transmitted Infections" ICDDR,B 8-9 March 1997, Dhaka.
17. Presented a paper on "Vulnerability and survival Strategies of the river bank eroded women in Horirumpur: An Anthropological study in a village" held at Grameen Trust, Dhaka, in 1996.
18. Attended A Workshop on "Problems and Challenges of the Program For Research on Poverty Alleviation", Grameen Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh August 21,1995.
19. Presented a paper jointly on "Women in Development Experience of NGOs in some village of Kapasia Thana of Gazipur District" held at Hotel Sonargaon, Dhaka, in 1995.
20. Attended a workshop on "Research in Women’s Empowerment" Save the Children/USA, Dhaka, May 7-9,1995.
21. Attended a workshop on "Social and Behavioral Science Development", ICDDR,B 15-16 February 1995, Hosted by population Council, Bangladesh.
22. Presented a paper jointly with professor S.M.Nurul Alam on "Anthropology in Bangladesh: past, Present and Future" held at British Council Auditorium, Dhaka, in 1994.
23. Special Faculty Presentation on "Problems and Prospects of Observation in Anthropological Research", held at the Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, in 1992.
1. Attended as a Visiting Professor at Erasmus+ staff mobility for teaching and training, held on 10th August to 24th August, 2019, University of Eastern Finland, SF KUOPIO.
2. Signing MoU as a Research collaborator in 2019, with Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS), Japan.
3. Attended a curriculum design programme held on 2006, Organized by Save the Children, Kathmandu, Nepal.
4. Attended a curriculum development experience shearing programme as a faculty member of the Department of Anthropology held on 2001, sponsored by Ford Foundation, USA, visited different Universities of United Kingdom (UK).
5. Attended Course on “Frontiers of Social Science Research Methods for Agricultural Systems Analysis Program” held on November 20 to December, 1, 1995, Sponsored by International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Banus, Philipine.
1. Dried Fish Matters (DFM): Mapping the social economy of dried fish in South and Southeast Asia for enhanced wellbeing and nutrition’ funded by Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. (Ongoing)
2. Inclusive Resistance to Climate Change: Plainland Ethnic Minority People’s Climate Change Vulnerability and Culture Sensitive Adaptation Pathways funded by Bangladesh Climate Change Trust. (Ongoing)
3. Baseline Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP) Survey on Eye Health Services related to diabetes in Bangladesh funded by The Fred Hollows Foundation, Australia.
4. Cultural Construction of Reproductive Health of Pregnant and Lactating Mother: An Anthropological study funded by Ford Foundation.
5. Women and Herself Image: Women’s Perception About Themselves - A Study on Bangladesh Village funded by Human Resource Development Center (HRDC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
6. A Study of Flood Perception of Selected Households funded by War and Want.
7. Ethnic and Socio-economic Background of Tea Plantation Workers funded by Winrock International.
8. Impact Study on Providing Telemedicine Service at the Field Level through Locally Developed Modern Medical Equipment and Software funded by Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
9. Impact Study on Production of Multi-media Digital Talking Book funded by Access to Information (a2i) Programme, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
10. Refugee Quandary in Ukhiya: Anxiety, Disjunction and Negotiation of Local Community funded by University Grand Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
11. Commercialization of Organ Transplantation: Case Kidney Business funded by University Grand Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
12. Conceptualization of Early Marriage and Social Analysis: Context Rural Society funded by Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
13. Vulnerability and Survival Strategies of the River Bank Eroded Women in Harirumpur: An Anthropological Study in a Village funded by Grameen Trust, Mirpur, Dhaka.
14. NGOs Under Attack: A Study of Socio-cultural and political Dynamics in Bangladesh funded by PACT Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
15. The Cultural Context of Condom Use in Bangladesh funded by Family Health International, USA.
16. Septic Abortion: Results from an Anthropological Study funded by Bangladesh Association For Prevention of Septic Abortion (BAPSA), Mirpur, Dhaka.
17. Village Pay Phones and Poverty Reduction Insights from a Grameen Bank Initiative in Bangladesh funded by Center for Development Research, Bonn, Germany.
18. TBA Practice of Development Discourse: An Anthropological Analysis funded by Ford Foundation.
19. Multiple Crisis of Ethnic Community of Chittagong Hill area funded by Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
20. People from 'Enclave' to 'Local' t Understanding the Transformation of Socio-cultural Position funded by University Grand Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
21. Socio-cultural Construction and Encounter of 'Single mother' context of Bangladesh funded by University Grand Commission, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Academic Info
PhD: Anthropology in 2011, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
MSS in Sociology: First Class First, 1985, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka
BSS (Honors) in : First Class First, 1984, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka
HSC : First Division, 1981, (10th position in humanities group, Comilla Board).
SSC : First Division, 1979, (6th position in humanities group, Comilla Board).
1994- August, 1997 : Chairperson, Department of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
1994- Sep, 1997 : Member, Academic Council, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
2010- till date: Member, Academic Council, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
April 2014-December 2019 : Director, Student Counseling and guidance center, Jahangirnagar
University, Savar, Dhaka.
2014-11th August, 2021 : Convener, Sexual Harassment Complaint Committee, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
15th Mar, 2018-11 th January, 2022 : Dean (Acting), Faculty of Social Science, Jahangirnagar University, Saver, Dhaka.
September, 2020- 21st March, 2021 : Dean (Acting), Faculty of Law, Jahangirnagar University, Saver, Dhaka.
11th August, 2021-till date : Treasurer, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
2013-till date : Expert member, Selection Committee of Professor and Associate Professor, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
2014 - till date : Expert member, Professor and Associate Professor Selection
Committee, Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of
Science and Technology, Sylhet.
2015 - till date : Expert member, Professor and Associate Professor Selection Committee, Department of Criminology and Police Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail.
2015 - till date : Expert member, Lecturer and Assistant Professor Selection
Committee, Department of Criminology and Police Science,
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail.
2015 - till date : Expert member, Faculty of Social Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail.
Expert member, Syllabus Committee, Department of Anthropology, Independent University, Bangladesh.
2016- till date : Expert member, Lecturer and Assistant Professor Selection
Committee, Department of Anthropology, Independent University, Bangladesh.
2017 - till date : Expert member, Sexual Harassment Complaint Committee,
Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Santosh, Tangail.
2017- till date : Expert member, Lecturer and Assistant Professor Selection
Committee, Department of Sociology, Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur.
2017- till date : Expert member, Professor and Associate Professor Selection
Committee, Department of Anthropology, University of Chittagong.
2017- till date : Expert member, Professor and Associate Professor Selection
Committee, Department of Anthropology, Independent University, Bangladesh.
2018- till date : Expert member, Sexual Harassment Complaint Committee, Independent University, Bangladesh.
2018-till date : Expert member, Professor and Associate Professor Selection
Committee, Department of Anthropology, Cumilla University.
2006 : Editor, Nrvijnana Patrika, Department of Anthropology, Vol- 11, ISSN 1680-0621
2007 : Editor, Nrvijnana Patrika, Department of Anthropology, Vol- 12, ISSN 1680-0621
2015 : Editor, The Jahangirnagar Review, Social Science Faculty, Vol-XXXIX, ISSN 1682-7422
2016 : Editor, The Jahangirnagar Review, Social Science Faculty, Vol-XL, ISSN 1682-7422
2017 : Editor, The Jahangirnagar Review, Social Science Faculty, Vol- XLI, ISSN 1682-7422
2018 : Editor, The Jahangirnagar Review, Social Science Faculty, Vol- XLII, ISSN 1682-7422
2019 : Editor, The Jahangirnagar Review, Social Science Faculty, Vol- XLIII (Forthcoming)
2020 : Editor, The Jahangirnagar Review, Social Science Faculty, Vol- XLIV (Forthcoming)
1989- Feb, 1991 : Syndicate member, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
2010-2015 : Senate member, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
2014-till date : Chancellor nominee Syndicate member, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
2015 to till date : Senate member, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
Jan-Dec, 2015 : Member, Jahangirnagar University Teacher’s Association.
July,2015-June,2016 : Organizing Secretary, Federation Of Bangladesh University, Teachers’ Association (FBUTA).
Jan-Dec, 2017 : Member, Jahangirnagar University Teacher’s Association.
2018 to till date : Executive Member, Bangabandhu Shikkhak Parishad, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka.
Jan-Dec, 2018 : President, Jahangirnagar University Teacher’s Association.
1. Gono Unnayan Procheshta (Board Member)
2. Development Wheel (DEW) [Board Member]
3. Dhaka University Sociology Association
4. Dhaka University Alumni Association (Life time member)
Professor Dr. Rasheda Akhtar
Department of Anthropology
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: +088-01711160998
Email: rashedaakhtar@juniv.edu
, rashedaakhtar@gmail.com