"State, Identity and Diaspora in Tanvir Mokammel's Films" বইয়ের প্রকাশনা উৎসব অনুষ্ঠিত ।
Sep 02, 2022
Sep 02, 2022

Recent Events
- "State, Identity and Diaspora in Tanvir Mokammel's Films" বইয়ের প্রকাশনা উৎসব অনুষ্ঠিত ।
- Book Launching Ceremony of"Nature and Life: Essays on Deep Ecology and Applied Ethics"
- International Seminar on "Ecological Philosophy of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100"
- Seminar held on "বঙ্গবন্ধুর অর্থনৈতিক দর্শন ও মানবিকতা"
- Seminar held on "Gender Discrimination in Language, the Language Relativity Theory and the Necessity of an Ordinance to Check Gender Biasness in Language Used in Various Media of Communication and Entertainment"
- Seminar held on "Utilitarianism and Its Application"
- Seminar held on "মুহিবাদ : উপযোগবাদী দর্শনের শেকড়ের সন্ধানে"
- Seminar held on "Higher Studies, Research and Scholarship Opportunities in Germany"
- Seminar held on "Cultural Changes Through the Ages"
- Seminar on " জ্যাঁ পল. সার্তের সাহিত্যতত্ত্ব"